Your bicycle is a great workout tool to shed those extra kilos. Here's how to use your bike to lose weight efficiently and optimally.

Cycling is not rocket science, but it is inevitably a big plus when losing weight. If you want to feel healthier, lighter and fitter– there is no best way to start cycling today. You can easily slot cycling into your busy schedule, making your workout enjoyable and efficient.

Cycling is the best choice if you are looking for a good low-impact aerobic exercise option. It is one of the most touted cardiac exercises that can take your heart rate up and down without causing wear and tear to your joints. It helps you shed those extra calories just by pedaling. Here's how you can make the most of your cycling workout.


Pedaling with your single speed cycle at a leisurely pace won't work much. Pushing the intensity levels of your ride would help you achieve your goals better. The faster you pedal, the more calories you burn. If you are still planning to buy cycles online, prefer a cycle from the best cycle brands in India.

The multi speed cycle uses less Effort, and you need more power to burn the calories. More calories burnt mean more weight loss. According to Better Health, medium pace cycling burns around 300 calories per hour. This figure can be turned higher by increasing the intensity.

Interval Training

High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is another option that could accelerate your weight loss goal. It would be best to practice short bursts of intense cycling alternated with low-intensity exercise intervals. The process would look something like this:

Step 1: High-Intensity cycling for a minute. Cycle as fast as you can.

Step 2: Then perform a two-minute low-intensity cycling.

Step 3: Repeat these two steps for about 20-30 minutes.

This pattern helps you burn more calories than usual. It not only helps you burn your extra fat but improves your cardio fitness as well.

Go that Extra Mile

The moment you think you are done and you can't go ahead, try for a little more. This little extra Effort would help in building endurance and burning fat. Duration matters more than the distance travelled.


If you want to boost weight loss, try involving another activity and cycling. According to the American Council on Exercise, you must cycle for at least 30 minutes for an ideal weight loss regime with a good intensity level. Cross-training works if you find cycling for more extended periods monotonous. Adding a variety of workouts, such as hopping on a bike, weight lifting etc, could be done alternatively.